



时尚女王莫妮卡 ep1 攻略


First steps 第一步

Nearly every item can be touched or Monica can have a look at it. You can gather

interesting information about the items, sometimes you even can learn more about

Monica or her past. I advise you not just to run through this game. If you want to

enjoy the full fun the game can give you, look around.




You can play Monica in two ways, decent or bitchy. Your decisions how you interact

with other people will have an influence on the story at all. Maybe not always

immediately, but it will have an influence, even if it’s in Ep2. By the way, some items

de-, or increase even Monica’s bitchiness. I will get more in details when this is



生影响。也许不总是立即,但它将有一个影响,即使它在 Ep2。顺便说一下,有些东


Have fun and enjoy…玩得开心。


DAY 1 第一天

Wake Monica up. Therefore, click on the hand symbol, as you can see above: Now

go to her wardrobe and dress yourself as advised. In the top left corner you can see

your tasks.

把莫妮卡叫醒。因此,点击手的标志,如上图所示: 现在去她的衣柜,按照建议穿衣

服。在左上角您可以看到您的任务。 Touch the cupboard and wear your home wear. 摸摸橱柜,穿上你的家居服

 Go to bathroom, have a bath or take a shower 去浴室,洗澡或淋浴

 Go downstairs, have a talk with Julia, your maid. 下楼去和你的女仆茱莉亚谈谈

o Call Julia roughly 粗鲁地叫茱莉亚(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Call Julia politely 礼貌地打电话给茱莉亚(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Ask what happened outside, then go to kitchen 问问外面发生了什么,然后去厨

 Touch the right chair and sit down 摸一下右边的椅子,坐下

o Thank you, now get out of here 谢谢,现在离开这里(increase bitchiness) (增


o Thank you 谢谢你(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o That is bullshit, who else... 胡说,还有谁..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o I should praise her when... 我应该赞美她当..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go back to your bedroom, touch your wardrobe, choose beautiful dress 回到你的


Meanwhile in the basement 同时在地下室

- When refusing Fred, there is no h-scene 😊 When you are (as Julia here)

submissive, the scene becomes more and more sexual.- 当拒绝弗雷德时,没有 h 场景 当你(像朱莉娅这样)顺从时,场景变得越来越性


Back with Monica 回到莫妮卡身边

- Search for Julia, on the top floor, and downstairs. After you can’t find her, enter the

basement and go to laundry room. You can find the dress here:




After that turn to the right, facing the ironing board:



The blue arrow shows where the iron can be found. The yellow one points on

wooden cloth pins. By touching them, you increase bitchiness!



 When you touch the spins, you can: 当你触摸时,你可以:

o Hillbilly Julia 乡巴佬朱莉娅(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Julia enjoys rare things 朱莉娅喜欢稀有的东西(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶


 Touch the towels on the board. After that place your dress and the iron on the

board. 触摸板上的毛巾。然后把你的衣服和熨斗放在板上

 Touch the iron and iron your dress. 用熨斗烫你的衣服

 Go to bedroom, dress yourself with the beautiful dress and leave room. 去卧室,


 Go to the hall. There you can decide if to punish Julia or not. 去大厅,在那里你可


o I’m not leaving it like that... 我不会就这样离开的..(increase bitchiness) (增加


o Julia works so hard already... 茱莉亚已经很努力了(decrease bitchiness) (减


 In both cases, you need to find hair dye. It’s to the right on the cabinet. Walk

towards it. 在这两种情况下,你都需要找到染发剂。它在橱柜的右边。走向它


Take the hair dye, go back and pour it on the carpet by clicking on the carpet and

then choose hair dye from menu. 把染发剂倒回去,然后点击地毯将其倒在地毯


 Go downstairs and talk with Julia. 下楼去和茱莉亚谈谈

o Yes Julia, try to wipe it in your free time... 是的,茱莉亚,试着在你空闲的时

候擦掉它..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o No, Julia... 不,茱莉亚..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go outside and talk with Fred, your driver. If you don’t ask him, what happened,

you can immediately drive away. 到外面去和你的司机弗雷德谈谈,如果你不问他


o Don’t ask, Say hello roughly 不要问,粗鲁地打招呼(increase bitchiness) (增


o Don’t ask. Just say hello 不要问,只是打个招呼(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶


 If you ask what happened, you again can choose to bring your neighbor or

not. 如果你问发生了什么,你可以再次选择带或不带你的邻居

 If Fred brings him to you, you can choose: 如果弗雷德把他带给你,你可以选择:

o I don’t care who he is… ( 我不在乎他是谁(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Say hello politely… 礼貌地打招呼..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o I don’t care if you’re dead… 我不管你是死是活(increase bitchiness) (增加恶


o He was in danger… ( 他有危险(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)o Do you want to trample… 你想践踏..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Since it’s more … 因为它更..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Oh wow 哦,哇(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o That scratch is barely... 那个抓痕几乎..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 If you choose “oh wow”, you can sue him. 如果你选择“哦哇”,你可以起诉他

o 50.000 $ 5 万美元(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o 500 $ (nothing happens) 500 美元(没事发生)

o So this stinky farm... 所以这个臭农场..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o What farm? What about... (nothing happens) 什么农场? 那么... (什么都没发


Monica’s office 莫妮卡办公室

 Talk again with Fred and go to Monica’s office. 再和弗雷德谈谈,然后去莫妮卡的


o Bully Fred 欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use insta... (nothing happens, you arrive at office) 默默地去使

用 insta... (什么也没发生,你到了办公室)

o Continue bullying Fred... 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use insta... (nothing happens, you arrive at office) 默默地去使

用 insta... (什么也没发生,你到了办公室)

o Continue bullying Fred... 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use insta... (nothing happens, you arrive at office) 默默地去使

用 insta... (什么也没发生,你到了办公室)

o Continue bullying Fred... 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Click on office building, walk there, talk with girls and use the elevator. 点击办



Here are two secret items which influence your bitchiness. The globe increases

bitchiness 这里有两个秘密项目会影响你的恶意。地球仪增加恶意

 The elephant (click on couch to walk there) 大象(点击沙发走过去)decrease

bitchiness 减少恶意

 Talk with your secretary. 和你的秘书谈谈

o Why didn’t you... 你为什么不..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Alright dear (nothing) 好吧,亲爱的(没什么)

o Are you wasting my time... 你是在浪费我的时间..(increase bitchiness) (增加


o Alright, I’ll watch... 好吧,我看着..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go to your office! 回你的办公室去


By clicking on the projector, you increase bitchiness 通过点击投影仪,你增加了


 Walk to your desk, take your mobile which is on the desk and dial. You talk with

Steve when the girls enter the room. 走到你的办公桌前,拿上你放在桌上的手机


o Speak softly (nothing) 轻声地说(不要说)

o Insult Steve... 侮辱史蒂夫..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Call them monkeys... 叫他们猴子..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Start a conversation 开始一段对话(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Start to talk to them again. Here you have two ways. 重新开始和他们交谈,这里


1) Kick them out (increase bitchiness)


o Get rid of them now. (Then Dick calls), or 现在就把它们处理掉。(然后迪克打

电话来) ,或者

2) They’re not useless, but... (increase bitchiness)

2)他们不是没用的,但是... (增加恶意)

o Kick them out 把他们踢出去(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意), leads to way

1 ,通向第一条路

o Make them strip completely 让他们彻底脱光衣服(increase bitchiness) (增加恶

意) Show them how real models work. Therefore go to photo studio. 向他们展示真正


 Talk with Alex or Melanie, start the photo shoot… 和亚历克斯或者梅兰妮谈谈,


o Make Melanie a note 给梅兰妮做个笔记(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Say it’s ok 说没关系(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Say he’ll be fired... 说他会被炒鱿鱼(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Ask him to put himself... 让他把自己..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o My decision is final... 我的决定是最终的..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o I SAID GET OUT... 我说出去..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

 Go back to your office, walk to desk and then Dick calls. Take your mobile on the

desk. 回到你的办公室,步行到办公桌,然后迪克打电话给你。把你的手机放在办


o Because of the idiots... 因为那些白痴..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Because of the problems... 因为这些问题..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Leave the building, talk to Fred and go to Dick. 离开大楼,和弗雷德谈谈,然后去


o Only you can have... 只有你能拥有..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o What’s the problem? (nothing) 怎么了? (没什么)

 Go to 去 Gas station 加油站.

o You’re a stupid person... 你是个笨蛋(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o You did what you could 你已经尽力了(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Click on the entrance door to the right and enter the fuel station. 点击右侧入口门


 Walk to the red door and talk. Watch scene... 走到红色的门口说话,观看场景..

o Is it polite to... 这是礼貌的..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Get the cashiers attention... 引起收银员的注意..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶


 If you take this option, you need to break a bottle. By the way, here are again

some interesting items... 如果你选择这个,你需要打破一个瓶子。顺便说一下,



The left items decrease bitchiness, while the one on the right increase bitchiness



 Right next to the cake bar is a book shelf. Go there. 蛋糕吧台旁边有一个书架,

到那儿去o The book on the left 左边那本书 decrease bitchiness 减少恶意 because

Monica likes lakes. 因为莫妮卡喜欢湖

o The one on the right about coffee makes Monica angry and 右边关于咖啡的

那个让莫妮卡很生气 increase bitchiness 增加恶意程度

 Great. Now you walk to the shelf in the last corner. The next two pics show you

how to get there... 太好了。现在你走到最后一个角落的架子上。接下来的两张图



 Walk to the shelfs on your left, then click on the orange juice and walk again. 走



Now you should be here… and – you guessed it – we walk again by clicking on

the beer shelf in the background. 现在你应该在这里了...




 Now we are here: 现在我们来到了这里: If you click on the bottle as you can see below, you can break it or not. 如果你点


 Break it. Watch scene... I guess it’s obvious what to click to see the most scenes

😉 打破它。观看场景... 我想很明显,点击什么可以看到最多的场景

o Blame the cashier 责怪收银员(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Agree on compensation 就补偿达成一致(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Leave the fuel station and talk twice to Fred. 离开加油站,和弗雷德谈两次

 Go to Dick’s office and talk with Dick. After that drive to clothing store. 去迪克的


o I have already heard... 我已经听说了..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Weather is... 天气..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Do not talk to me... 别跟我说话..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Ok Fred (nothing) 好吧,弗雷德(没什么)

 In the store, to get all scenes, follow my instructions below... 在商店里,要得到所


 There are three locations, where the dresses can be found. The order in which

you select them is irrelevant. 有三个地方可以找到礼服,你选择的顺序是无关紧要

的 Here they are 他们在这里:



The order for the first two is: 前两项的顺序是:

 Take a dress, walk to the dressing room, enter, touch the coat hook at the wall,

touch the mirror and dress slowely. Then go to Dick outside. 拿一件衣服,走到更


o Dick, if this is the best... 迪克,如果这是最好的..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶


o Let’s check more... 让我们看看更多..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go back and put your own dress on, go to the next location. 回去穿上你自己的衣


 Take a dress, walk to the dressing room, enter, touch the coat hook at the wall,

touch the mirror and dress slowely. Then go to Dick outside. 拿一件衣服,走到更


o I don’t like... 我不喜欢..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o I’ll look again. 我再看看(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go back inside, dress again and go to third location. 回到屋里,再穿上衣服,去


 Take a dress, walk to the dressing room, enter, touch the coat hook at the wall,

touch the mirror and dress quickly. Watch scene 拿起一件衣服,走到更衣室,进


 Reach it again quickly. Watch scene 快速再次触摸,观看场景

 Go back in and catch your own dress, then go to cashier. 回去拿你自己的衣服,


o Dick, why did you... 迪克,你为什么..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o You have a funny tie (nothing) 你的领带很滑稽(没什么)o Dick, you’re ugly... 迪克,你真丑..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Dick, that’s... (nothing) 迪克,那是... (没什么)

o I can take care of... 我可以照顾..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o If you need it... (nothing) 如果你需要的话... (没什么)

 Go and talk to the saleswoman 去和售货员谈谈

o To deal rudely... 粗鲁地对待..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o To communicate with the seller... (decrease bitchiness) This is only possible

when you are not too bitchy. 与卖家沟通... (减少恶意)这只有在你不太恶意的


o To joke about Dick 开迪克的玩笑(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Take Dicks Hand... 拿迪克斯的手来说..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Go outside, talk with Fred and go to 到外面去,和弗雷德谈谈,然后去 Hotel La

Grande 拉格兰德酒店.

o It’s your fault ( 这是你的错(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o But we bought a dress (nothing) 但是我们买了一件衣服(什么也没买)

 When you arrive, walk inside and go to the restaurant. 当你到达时,走进餐厅

 Touch the chair and sit down. 摸一摸椅子坐下

 When you sit in the chair and look at Dick, you have a hidden conversation: 当你


o Tell Dick, he’s funny 告诉迪克,他很有趣(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o To shut up... (nothing) 闭嘴... (没什么)

 Talk with Dick 和迪克谈谈

 Take the options which are available for you... It’s obvious, which one are

bitchy. 选择那些你可以选择的... ... 很明显,哪一个是恶意的

 When you have enough of talking, take the option: 当你有足够的话题时,做出选


 Where’s our dinner? 我们的晚餐呢?

o Take the option available for you 选择你可以选择的选项(increase

bitchiness) (增加恶意) (decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Fire this fool 开除这个傻瓜(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

 Let’s go Dick (nothing) 我们走吧,迪克(没什么)

 Go back outside, talk with Fred and drive away. 回到外面,和弗雷德谈谈,然后


o Throw him out 把他扔出去(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o To get to the office 去办公室(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Talk with Fred and go home 和弗雷德谈谈,然后回家

o Dick, fat bastard 迪克,死胖子(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Dick screwed up... 迪克搞砸了(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Enter 进来 your house 你的房子 Go to bedroom, put on home clothes, take a shower and go downstairs, talk to

Julia. 去卧室,穿上家里的衣服,洗个澡,然后下楼,和茱莉亚谈谈

 Go to the kitchen and eat. Go to dining table and sit down by touching the right

chair. 到厨房去吃饭,走到餐桌旁坐下,触摸对的椅子

 Go upstairs, change to lingerie and go to bed. 上楼,换上内衣,然后上床睡觉

Meanwhile at gas station


 If you want the 如果你想要 full h-content 有趣的场景 with Fred and Christine,

choose always the 和弗雷德和克里斯汀一起,选择

 first option 第一选择.

 Enjoy the scenes... 😊 欣赏这些场景..

DAY 2 第二天

 Put on homeware, shower, go downstairs, talk to Julia and have breakfast in the

kitchen. 穿上浴袍,淋浴,下楼,和茱莉亚聊天,在厨房吃早餐

 Go upstairs, put on business ware and go outside. Talk to Fred and go to

gym. 上楼,穿上商务装,到外面去,和弗雷德谈谈,去健身房

o Bully Fred 欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at gym) 静静地去和使用

Insta (你立即到达健身房)

o Continue bullying Fred 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at gym) 静静地去和使用

Insta (你立即到达健身房)

o Continue bullying Fred 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Continue bullying Fred 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

Gym 健身房

 Enter the gym, go to locker room and talk to Rebecca (blonde girl) 进入体育馆,


 Everything was amazing 一切都那么美好(decrease bitchiness, important later for

happy ending 2) (减少恶意,以后对大团圆结局很重要)

 Dick is an idiot 迪克是个白痴(increase bitchiness, important for later, you are not

nice with Dick) (增加坏脾气,对以后很重要,你对迪克不好)o Stephanie, you are provincial... 斯蒂芬妮,你是个乡巴佬..(increase

bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o ... (decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)


 Change your clothes (click as marked above) 更换你的衣服(点击上面的标记)

 Go to gym, talk with instructor and start doing yoga. 去健身房,和教练谈谈,然


o Refuse rudely 粗暴地拒绝(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Say NO (nothing happens) 说不(什么都不会发生)

 Go back and change clothes again. Watch scene 回去再换一次衣服,观看场景

 Mrrrrr... 先生..(watch h-content) (看 h-content)

 Next time you’re smarter (you miss the scene) 下次你会更聪明(你错过了这个场


 Hidden scene: If choosen “Mrrr” before, go back in the gym and the locker

room. 隐藏场景: 如果选择“ Mrrr”之前,回到体育馆和更衣室 😉

 When you are done, talk to Fred, drive to the bank and talk with the redhead

girl. 完成后,和弗雷德谈谈,开车去银行和那个红发女孩谈谈

o YOU HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY... 你已经非常..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶


o I understand perfectly (nothing happens) 我完全明白(什么事也没有发生)

 Talk to Fred again and drive to Steve’s office. 再和弗雷德谈谈,然后开车去史蒂

夫的办公室Steve’s office 史蒂夫的办公室

 Talk with his secretary Jane 和他的秘书简谈谈

o You both will disappear... 你们俩都会消失(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o I will go kick your boss’ ass (nothing happens) 我要去揍你老板一顿(没什么


 Go to Steve’s office, talk with him four times. 去史蒂夫的办公室和他谈四次

o If you lie to me... 如果你对我撒谎..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o But I will remember... (nothing happens) 但我会记得... (什么都没发生)

 Leave Steve’s office and talk again to his secretary Jane 离开史蒂夫的办公室,


o It doesn’t matter anymore. 这不再重要了(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o I’ll look at your behavior 我会注意你的行为(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Leave, talk to Fred and drive to your office 离开,和弗雷德谈谈,然后开车去你的


o I’m tired of these pedestrians 我厌倦了这些行人(increase bitchiness) (增加恶


o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at your office) 静静地去和使

用 Insta (你立即到达你的办公室)

Monica’s office 莫妮卡办公室

 Go inside, use elevator, talk to your secretary, go to your desk and have a cup of

tea. 进去,乘电梯,和你的秘书聊天,到你的办公桌前喝杯茶

 Find your phone. It’s here: 找到你的手机,在这里:


After you received your phone, go outside, talk to Fred and drive to the clothing

store 收到手机后,出去和弗雷德谈谈,然后开车去服装店

o Bully Fred 欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at the store) 静静地去和使

用 Insta (你立即到达商店)

o Continue bullying Fred 继续欺负弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at the store) 静静地去和使

用 Insta (你立即到达商店)

 Walk down the street. Walk to crossroad and face the whores. 走在街上,走到十


o Berate the prostitutes 严厉斥责妓女(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Pity her 可怜她吧(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Walk down the street and talk to Kebab dude. 走在街上,和烤肉男聊天

o Oh my god, what animal is this? 天哪,这是什么动物?(increase

bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Refuse politely 礼貌地拒绝(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

Clothing store 服装店

 Walk to clothing store, go inside, talk to cashier and give back the dress. 走到服


o No BUTS, bitch! 没有但是,婊子(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Just return the dress 把裙子还回去(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意) Walk the way back to the street corner, talk to Fred and go home. 走回街角,和


o Continue yelling at him 继续对他大喊大叫(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Silently go and use Insta (you immediately arrive at home) 静静地去和使用

Insta (你立即到家)

At home 在家里

 At home do as told. Change, take a shower and have dinner. Change to

underware and go to sleep. 在家按我说的做。换衣服,洗澡,吃晚饭。换上内


DAY 3 第三天

o Fire someone 解雇某人(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Just a good day... 美好的一天..(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Fire Tiffany and Jane 解雇蒂芙尼和简(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Give them a chance 给他们一个机会(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

o Fire Fred 解雇弗雷德(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

o Give him a chance 给他一个机会(decrease bitchiness) (减少恶意)

 Change your clothes, take a bath or shower. Talk to Julia and have breakfast. 换


 Change to beautiful dress, go outside and talk to Fred. Drive to your office. 换上


Secret Ending 1 秘密结局 1 / police station 警署

 If you have been super nice all the time and clicked on all items which decrease

your bitchiness, you will not get arrested by Marcus now. You can click on “I’ll

come another time, not now”. 如果你一直都很友好,并且点击了所有可以减少你


 Why not come there (brings you to Marcus and the story continues) 为什么不去


 Go on the police station and talk to the policewoman twice! 去警察局和那个女警


 Choose “Yes get him here” to continue. 选择“ Yes,get him here”继续

 Talk to the detective and enter (your fate) 和侦探谈谈,然后进入(你的命运) Talk with Marcus and try to leave 和马库斯谈谈,然后试着离开


 Talk several times with Marcus, try to escape again and finally find yourself in the

cell. 和马库斯交谈几次,再次尝试逃跑,最后发现自己在牢房里

DAY 3 - 15 第 3-15 天

 Walk to the bars. The others prisoners notice you. 走到栅栏那里,其他的犯人会


 Talk to them… Your choice doesn’t matter here. 和他们谈谈... 你的选择在这里无


 Sleep again. 再睡一觉

 Make some noise at the bars and finally go to bed hungry. 在酒吧里制造一些噪


 Joggle the bars until the overseer comes back. Depending on your bitchiness

you have two options now. 在监工回来之前,你们可以继续前进。根据你们的脾


 Trick the guard to find out his name 骗那个警卫查出他的名字

 Please” Let me eat! 请让我吃吧

 Continue with the story for several days from now on. 从现在开始,继续这个故事

几天 When the other prisoners find out about your plans at some day, you can choose

to show off yourself to them or to threaten them to shut their mouths. 当其他囚犯


o I know how to 我知道怎么做(Monica doesn’t show off herself) (莫妮卡从不炫


o I have no choice 我别无选择(Monica acts lewd) (莫妮卡行为淫荡)

 Continue with the story until the prisoners want to see more 继续讲这个故事,直


o I know how to 我知道怎么做(Monica doesn’t show off herself) (莫妮卡从不炫


o I have no choice 我别无选择(Monica acts lewd) (莫妮卡行为淫荡)

 Continue with the story until the prisoners want to see more 继续讲这个故事,直


o I know how to 我知道怎么做(Monica doesn’t show off herself) (莫妮卡从不炫


o I have no choice 我别无选择(Monica acts lewd) (莫妮卡行为淫荡)

o I’m not showing you anything 我不会给你看任何东西(Monica doesn’t show off

herself) (莫妮卡从不炫耀自己)

o Maybe somehow to pull… 也许是为了拉..(Monica acts lewd) (莫妮卡行为淫


o I WILL NOT DO IT... 我不会这么做的..(Monica doesn’t show off herself) (莫妮


o I have no choice 我别无选择(Monica acts lewd) (莫妮卡行为淫荡)

 Continue the linear story here until you nearly get raped and you are brought to

Marcus. 在这里继续线性的故事,直到你几乎被强奸,你被带到马库斯

 Sit on the chair and talk to Marcus several times. 坐在椅子上,和马库斯交谈几次

o You disgusting bastard 你这个恶心的混蛋(punishment) (惩罚)

o ... (no punishment) (没有惩罚)

 You are brought again to Marcus upstairs. Take a seat and talk to him until you

reach the point as seen below. You can only choose first option. 你又被带到楼上




Get out of the place 离开这个地方

 Walk to your home and argue with the guard there. 走到你家,和那里的警卫争论

 Go to Dick’s office and get rejected. 去迪克的办公室然后被拒绝

 Click on the map after you left the building in the top right corner of the screen. 当


 Go to hotel La Grande. 去 La Grande 酒店

 Talk with the reception Admin and go back on the streets again. 和前台管理员谈


 Go to the clothing store and enter the changing room. Leave it again. Now the

cashier should have left the shop. Go to the cashier’s desk and take the

chocolate. Enter again the changing room and click on the couch. You can sleep

now there. 去服装店,然后进入更衣室。再放一次。现在收银员应该已经离开商店


DAY 16 第 16 天

 When you wake up, the shop girl is back. 当你醒来时,那个女店员又回来了

o The police will come... (depends on your bitchiness, 警察会来

的... ..,increases it 增加它)

o There’s no need... (depends on your bitchiness, 没有必要... (取决于你的坏脾

气,decreases it 减少它)

 After finishing the dialogue, go outside on the street and go to Dick’s office. 对话

结束后,到外面的街道上去迪克的办公室 Talk with the secretary downstairs, then go to the offices and talk to Dick’s

personal secretary. 和楼下的秘书谈谈,然后去办公室和迪克的私人秘书谈谈

 After you can find no chairs (there are none), go back and talk to her again. 找不


 Leave the building. 离开大楼

 Go to a random other location and then come back to Dick’s office. 去一个随机的


 Talk again to his secretary upstairs and then leave again. 和他楼上的秘书再谈一


 Go again somewhere else. When you return to Dick’s office, it should be

evening. 再去别的地方。当你回到迪克的办公室时,应该已经是晚上了

 Talk to his secretary again, leave and click on map. 再和他的秘书谈谈,离开,然


 Go to the street corner. 到街角去

 Go to the Shawarma guy and talk with him. 去找那个沙瓦玛的家伙,和他谈谈

o That filthy alley that... 那条肮脏的小巷..(increase bitchiness) (增加恶意)

 Go to “Gateway” and enter the hostel as you see here: 前往“捷威”,进入青年旅



 Talk to Perry. 跟佩里谈谈

 To continue, choose “It, Ma’am, I was right”... 继续,选择“ It,ma’am,i was


 Choose “Perry, let’s make a deal” 选择”佩里,我们做个交易”

 Choose “I agree” 选择「我同意」 Put you dress in the box. 把你的衣服放进盒子里


 Click on Perry again when she shows you her hairy cunt, decline and go to

dormitory. 当佩里向你展示她阴部时,再次点击她,拒绝并回到宿舍

 Take a shower and go to bed. (You can and should – not only here – look always

around). 洗个澡,然后上床睡觉。(你可以而且应该——不仅仅是在这里——经常


 Meanwhile in the shop: 与此同时,在店里:

 Relax (h-content) 放松(h-content)

 Go home (no bonus scene) 回家(没有奖金场景)

DAY 17 第 17 天

 Take a shower and escape the threat. On the way, pic up the whore clothes: 洗



Go to the edge of the house and wear them: 走到房子的边缘,穿上它们:


 Go back and then to clothing store. 回去,然后去服装店

 Enter the store and leave it again. Click on map and go to Dick. 进入商店,再次

离开。点击地图,到迪克 After talking with his secretary, click on Dick’s office door and enter. 在与他的秘


 Finally you can talk to Dick. Click several times on him. 你终于可以和迪克说话


o YOU FAT SLUG (the story continues) 你个鼻涕虫(故事继续)

o Dick, really... 迪克,真的..(secret happy ending #2. It just works, if you have

always been nice to Dick in every decision concerning him) (秘密的大团圆结

局 # 2,如果你在每一个关于迪克的决定中都对他友好,那么这个结局就是有


 When done talking with Dick, leave his office building. At the street, you spot

Fred standing there. Talk to him. 和迪克谈完后,离开他的办公大楼。在街上,你


 Enter the car and drive to “your” home. 进入汽车和驾驶到“你的”家

 Fred makes you a proposal. 弗雷德向你求婚

o I don’t want to (no option) 我不想(别无选择)

o I’ve never done … (you give a hj) 我从来没有做过... (你给了一个 hj)

o Speed up motions 加速运动(you finish the scene with a hj) (你用一个 hj 结束


o Fred, will you stop? 弗雷德,你能停下来吗?(more h-content incl. bj) (更多的

h-content incl.bj)

 After talking to the new owners of your home, enter the building. 在和你家的新主


 Go upstairs in the bathroom and put on new maid uniform. 上楼去浴室换上新的


 Try to take a shower. After that go to kitchen and try to eat. 先洗个澡,然后去厨


 Upstairs, go to the guest bedroom. 上楼去客房


Betty comes again and throws you out. 贝蒂又来了,把你赶了出去

 Go in the lounge downstairs and talk to Ralph about the money. 到楼下的休息室


 After that, go in the basement. Enter laundry. From there you can proceed. 然


 Go deeper in the basement and take the far corridor. 到地下室深一点,走远一点


 Take your fashion magazine from the table, change clothes. Go to bed and sleep

well… 从桌子上拿起你的时尚杂志,换衣服。上床睡觉,好好睡一觉
